IRPA 2016 Cape Town IRPA 2016 Cape Town IRPA 2016 Cape Town

  •  1st Announcement
  •  2nd Announcement


Welcome Message from IRPA President

It is my privilege and great pleasure as President of IRPA to invite you to the International Congress on radiation protection ?IRPA14 ?in Cape Town, South Africa during 9 - 13 May 2016.

IRPA 14 is the premier world congress in radiation safety in all areas of application of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. IRPA will also celebrate its 50th Anniversary in Cape Town to acknowledge the substantial contributions to both science and the practical and safe application of radiation that IRPA and its associate societies have made over the last 50 years.

The use of radiation in industry, medicine and research is increasingly evident throughout the world and is involving more and more complex systems, particularly in medical applications. This situation is presenting widespread challenges to radiation safety professionals and is influenced by the ongoing increase in globalization and societal change.

Global acceptance of the fundamental radiation protection principles of justification, optimization and limitation as recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) is one of the targets of IRPA activities. The need for optimization to be extended to nuclear medicine is just one example. Overexposures, overuse of imaging and accidental exposures are increasingly reported and illustrate the need for joint action of the stakeholders involved in order to increase radiation safety in medicine. Another area of special priority is the promotion of public understanding of radiation risks through the sharing of experience and identified good practices amongst our members in this regard.

Focussing on areas relevant to the core interests of IRPA implies working closely with international organizations and professional bodies of highest relevance to our mission. Such organizations and professional bodies include IAEA, ICRP, WHO, IOMP and FORO as well as organizations such as ILO, ICRU, UNSCEAR, ICNIRP, ISRRT, NEA and the EU. The Congress in 2016 will offer a platform and a unique opportunity to jointly discuss global safety issues in all areas of our profession face to face.

I am calling for abstracts and paper submissions aligned with the outstanding programme of the Congress established by world experts in radiation safety. I invite you to identify emerging issues and to present them for discussion to the Congress in Cape Town in May 2016.

In closing I would like to express appreciation to the South African Radiation Protection Societies, SARPA and SARPS, for hosting the 14th International Congress on Radiation Protection.

Renate Czarwinski
IRPA President

Welcome Message from IRPA14 Congress President

buy discount evening dresses online The IRPA 14 International Congress is co-hosted by the South African Radiation Protection Societies: SARPA and SARPS and is scheduled to take place in Cape Town, South Africa from 9 to 13 May 2016.

We are delighted to confirm the excellent preparations for making the IRPA14 International Congress successful and productive. With the theme of “Practising Radiation Protection - Sharing the experience and new challenges?the 2016 Congress will be an important milestone in meeting our challenges at the time of rapid changes in a globalizing environment. Thanks to the sterling efforts of the Programme and Organizing Committees we can assure delegates of a top-quality programme, reasonable fees and excellent facilities.

As with all previous IRPA International Congresses, IRPA14 provides a broad dialogue platform for consolidating the international voice of radiation safety professionals and other professionals working with nuclear and radiation related technologies.

The 5 day scientific and technical programme of the 2016 congress is being formulated by the active participation of the Associate Societies through the relevant Committees. Particular emphasis will be placed on solution-oriented activities and network-based interactions. We are certain that the plenary sessions, and parallel scientific sessions as well as the, posters and exhibitions of IRPA14 will provide useful insight into current trends and harmonized good radiation safety practices. By realizing highly interactive exchanges amongst professionals, the congress will lead to constructive outcomes that help us achieve our common goals through international collaboration.

I do hope that you will find ways and means to disseminate this 2nd Announcement as widely as possible and to participate in making your important contribution to the IRPA14 theme "Practising Radiation Protection - Sharing the Experience and New Challenges".

Thiagan Pather
Congress President
IRPA Vice President: Congress Affairs